Jonathan Kukta, director of housing and food services at Penn State Berks, Lehigh Valley, and Schuylkill campuses was recently honored with the 2020 National Association of College Auxiliary Services East Rising Star Award.
The wait is over! Penn State Eats, the online food and drink app is now available through the Penn State Go app. Skip the lines and order all your favorites.
Two teams of entrepreneurs from Penn State Berks were recognized with awards during the 2020 Business Plan Competition Challenge sponsored by the Berks Alliance and the Greater Reading Chamber Alliance.
University students and educators alike are grappling with turbulent times, and Penn State’s course on the “Art and Science of Human Flourishing” is well-positioned to help undergraduates to develop strategies for caring for themselves and others. Robert Roeser, Bennett Pierce Professor of Caring and Compassion, explored ways to adapt the course to current events, along with 23 colleagues from 10 Penn State campuses, University of Virginia and University of Wisconsin-Madison, during the morning of the 2nd Annual Human Flourishing Summer Teaching Institute, held on June 16 and 17 via Zoom.
Joseph Webb, director of student affairs at Penn State Berks, was recently honored with Penn State’s John Romano Faculty/Staff Diversity Recognition Award. The award recognizes Webb’s commitment to supporting diversity.
When Penn State alumni Gareth Yoder (Berks 2014) and Joy Beam (University Park 2017) came up with an idea for a business, they needed some direction about how to get started so they turned to the Penn State Berks Idea TestLab for assistance.
Aurora Brunovsky, a 2009 Penn State alumna and member of the University's Human Resources team, helped raise funds to donate over 1,000 masks to local non-profits in need. "We want to unite people in our community and give them a way to give back if they can’t find one,” she said.
Two faculty members in the College of Education have embarked on a project that they hope will help relieve the special education teacher shortage in Pennsylvania, as well as forge a mutually beneficial partnership between Penn State and Reading School District.